Village of Hope

Village of Hope Railroad

Village of Hope Railroad that the Lord had me to create. He told me to build a railroad to help through my Husband’s illness. I have never done anything like this before in my life. I had no idea this creativity was in me. This was all done by the inspiration of Holy Spirit. To God be the glory. I was telling you about the Seven mountains and how God operates through them on our behalf. This is a perfect example of Him comforting me in this project. It kept me so focus that I didn’t hear the hard vomiting my husband was experiencing during his illness. Our God is so faithful. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name, Amen!!! The name of the Mountain that I spoke about previously is #6-Arts. God’s hand was all in this creativity

Health is so important, especially in the Senior years. Do you know that most general practitioners do not know how to treat seniors? It”s in a category to itself. The specialty is Geriatric Medicine. Because the body changes and hormones change it takes a completely different set of courses to understand the body at stage of life. Most doctors do not choose to go in that direction because the pay is not as profitable for the time needed to learn.

Learning from my Husband’s health and the different treatments and prescriptions and hospitals I learned there had to be a better way. So I did some research. One thing that struck me was a book by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, “Eat Right for Your Blood Type”. It is now a series and very well known by scientists in the western world. His research and report have helped many in help curing dietary problems as well as and diseases.


My conclusion is my health is very important to me. Tasty foods and sweets that are not good for me are not worth eating no matter how good they taste. After watching my husband suffer from digestive issues I am convinced I Want to be healthy. For that reason, I eat holistic and organic foods. The cost doesn’t matter because the organic foods don’t have pesticides in them and Holistic is basically fruits and vegetables with some meats for me it is Lamb and Turkey some Pork in moderation and Fish. I don’t do well with beef and I don’t eat chicken at all. I don’t eat tomato sauce nor wheat and pasta. For that reason, the Keto diet worked out very well for me for a season. You can look for my article here on the website about the Keto diet.

By Levette Silas