Really-Coffee/Wine. My personal experience, I am not a wine drinker or alcohol of any kind. But you see God has an assignment for me and I promised Him I would surrender and do as He asks of me. This has happened before. The first time,
The Unorthodox Ways of God
The Unorthodox Ways of God

So really coffee/wine as you can see I am having another personal experience from this one example that God can have you do all kinds of let’s say unorthodox things once you surrender to Him. It’s all free will. Well in His planned will for my life right now He has put me in the wine business. Don’t forget I don’t drink wine. ” Wine Ambassador is the name of the business. We offer wine delivered to your door through our Wine Ambassador Wine of the Month Club. You receive 4 bottles of wine delivered at your door or you can invest in our other packages, with more bottles of wine, it’s according to how much you love wine. Now I will give you the website but you can’t enter unless you have a Rep’s Id. Well, I am a Rep so I will give you my Id.

A Business Opportunity
We also have a business opportunity that might interest you for some extra income or towards retirement whatever. Opportunity for additional income. Oh, I forgot to tell you If you sign up as an investor first and get 3 to sign up as well for 3 months, you get your wine free the forth month and from then on as long as they stay signed up. Another thing to think about is if you have a favorite Restaurant or a place where they have a license to sell alcohol, you can become a Business Rep like me and the restaurant can sign up under you as a BUSINESS PARTNER and sell the wines in the restaurant at any price they choose. How about that for a deal.
Back to our Original Topic
Back to our original topic, really coffee/wine? What does the Wine Ambassador business have to do with me and coffee? Well, it goes like this. I get a shipment of wine each month and I don’t drink wine. In that, case the wine has to be used for some kind of purpose. Like I told you earlier that God is the CEO and I am His partner. He told me to give some away to introduce the Wine Ambassador Wine. But it had to have other uses as well. Did I tell you the wine is from Napa/Sonoma Valley in Ca? Very special soil and weather patterns that make this wine so good. Plus our own generational winemakers, experts in their craft. No middleman. From the valley to your door.A Direct to customer relationship business.
Other Purposes for Wine
Now I have learned how to cook with wine, take Communion with the wine and the latest is to put wine in my coffee? Yes, that’s right. Really-coffee/wine. The Lord told me to put wine in my coffee. I don’t question Him I trust Him and do as I’m told. He knows me so well,(I guess so He created me) that I need more information as to why put wine in my coffee and what is it or will it do for my health.
Results of the Research-
So now I have to do some research and find out what are the benefits of putting wine in my coffee. To be continued, follow on the next page.