Return To Eden, HHC

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Live the vibrant life you were created to live!
Pamela Joy,CEO


A mighty woman of God whose hearts desire is to see all mankind healed, set free, spirit, soul, and body. Divinely inspired by God for that purpose the ministry of Return to Eden Holistic Health Corp was born. The journey has been very intense and has taken Pam to many strange places. Visiting the website Return to Eden and read the book “Believe! God in Me, God in You” you will learn more about the journey.

I have known Pamela for over 15 years now. We have shared many adventures with the Lord. My blog is to write about the presence of God in our natural life here on earth. Mountain #3 is this article’s home. It identifies with Holistic Health. The principles of healing used here are from the Bible for the human vessel, spirit, soul, and body.

The technique used to bring a person into complete wholeness is very rewarding. It takes love and patience. The individual most feel the caring from the person administering healing to them.

Pamela Joy is the founder of Return to Eden HHC. A holistic health coach, personal trainer, and author, she is now treating women 40 years and over. In her coaching, Pamela Joy addresses the issues of their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Each part has a function to play in our human existence here on earth.

Pamela Joy studied and researched health and fitness for over 25 years. Personal circumstances in her own life, her desire was for natural healing. Through much prayer and supplication, she became a Holistic Health Coach. Lead by Holy Spirit she received her formal training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is accredited by the American Association for Drugless Practitioners.  


In her research, she found the spirit and soul of man were not address in a way for natural healing. The human body was created to heal itself. It has become quite obvious to Pamela Joy that health is not just a physical issue, spirit, soul, and body are of equal impotence.

Pamela J. Donnelly

Return To Eden Holistic Health Corp.

NYS Certified Holistic Health & Fitness Coach .

(888) 401 – 8704

“Prosper and be in good health.”