Holistic Health Helps

Holistic Health helps is about treating the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, not just the symptoms of diseases.

Learning to Live a Holistic Lifestyle.

It isn’t easy and takes determination and desire. It’s a choice you make that you want to heal your body and mind basically without living off of consistently having to take prescription drugs as a lifestyle. It is that you train your body and mind to enhance its ability to learn how to heal itself as it was created to do with the help of natural supplements, herbs, and foods.


I loved fried chicken, especially the wings. Spaghetti and meatballs were a favorite. Rib Steaks were so delicious. I couldn’t understand why these foods that I loved were making me sick. Because of this, I began to do research to try to find out answers. I came across this book “How to eat according to Your Blood Type” by Dr. Peter J D’Adamo. It sounds crazy. I never heard of such a thing. Checking the foods in the book that my blood type should stay away from was very upsetting. I was shocked to find that many of the foods I loved were not good for my blood type. Would you believe chicken and tomatoes were on that list? Wow-what a revelation. I began to apply the principles of that book and it was the beginning of my brand new lifestyle.


I began getting cramps in my legs going up the stairs when I was at work. I was getting ready to travel and could not walk for any distance in the Airport, my legs were cramping up. We had just finished having dinner with a few friends at a restaurant and when we were leaving my legs cramped up and I couldn’t make it to my car without stopping. What was this now?

I went to the doctor, he sent me to the vascular doctor who diagnosed me with peripheral artery disease. Guess what was triggering it, the Rib Steaks. At the same time, I was beginning to go thru those female changes called menopause. I started to take some Chinese herbs that way suppose to help but was full of soy. I ended up with Breast cancer. The surgeon felt it was because of the soy in the product. So with these events taking place in my life, I had to make a change or I wouldn’t be here long.


Zlem for weight Loss http://4t87.com/body-enhancement-while-you-sleep/

Brain Reimagine for the sharpness of mind http://4t87.com/brain-awakening-my-brain-woke-up-it-was-amazing-everything/

Levette Joy Silas