The Healing of the Soul
Healing of the soul is the beginning of freedom. What is the soul? The soul is the information center that relates to your point of view about Life, Love, God, Feelings, Affections, Health, and all that concerns you. If your soul is sick your whole existence will be sick. In the Bible, it tells you how to overcome every situation you face including the healing of your soul.
How do you know if you have a sick soul? If you are Sad, Mad, Angry, Depress, Suicidal, Crawl, Anti-Sociable, Hateful, and other areas of disillusions and Heartbreaks. Your soul is sick. Jehovah Elohim our creator created you in love, peace, joy, companionship, and one with Him; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jehovah’s purpose for our creation was to have a family to love and to share and to provide for, which we call blessings. With the fall of man it caused us to die in our spirit man, no longer a direct communication with God, no longer able to fulfill the purpose of our creation, His vision for us.
You shall prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers says 3John:2. This prosperity for our soul is not a money-making thing, it’s a coming back into a relationship with our Creator. Our way back is, first of all, to receive His Son Jesus as your personal Saviour and forgiveness of all sin.

The next step is to surrender to Holy Spirit and His operation as to how you will proceed to deliverance and healing of your soul. Now there is more work to be done to establish you to your true self. Who you really are. The person you were created to be. Things happen in your bloodline, or through the ungodly lifestyle that formed a pattern in you that has not been healed. This is the work of Holy Spirit and the assigned angles work with Him to keep you on God’s path. He (Holy Spirit is sent to us from the Father by the request of Jesus. John 15:26). His purpose is to be our Helper and lives in us forever. (John 14:16-17)
Holy Spirit is part of the triune God-Father-Son-Holy Spirit. He is a person and the part of the triune God that if you sin against Him it is unforgivable (Matthew 12:31b) For more information about this I suggest you do the research.
The process of deliverance comes with intimacy with God. It usually starts out by reading your Bible and learning about God and who He is. It is through Jesus Christ that you begin this intimacy with God. No one can come to God on their own, only through Jesus Christ. If you start reading the first 5 Books of the bible called the Torah in Hebrew you will learn how we all began and how we lost our original identity.
Then start learning about Jesus through the 4 gospels. This is a beginning point, you are developing a love relationship supernaturally. In this, it creates a desire in your soul to become Christ-like. It takes time and dedication. Meditation to learn and become. It is not an overnight process, it is a dedication process to create a desire to want to change. You are not force or pressure, that is how you know it is God waiting for you. He doesn’t pressure you nor accuse you. It’s your choice and how much you want it. He loves you, He created you from His heart with love!!!
Reading your Bible is key because it is renewing your mind. Your thought process is beginning to change teaching you the ways of God. When you read and think about what the scripture is saying it grows in your soul. You begin to see things in a different light, like Jesus. When you meditate on these things day and night, you’ll start to want the change. You’ll want to be like Jesus, you’ll want to know God as your Father.
You’ll begin to recognize that Holy Spirit lives in you. It is such a wonderful experience and a new way of life. Your soul is prospering, your lifestyle is changing. Your health will get better and beautiful things will start to manifest. There will be trials and tribulations because the enemy the devil does not want this to happen, he is losing you as prey. But you stand and do all to stand and stand some more.
The company you keep is very influential. The bible says evil company corrupts good morals. God hates idols. You’re going to have to learn how to clean your physical house as well as your body of ungodly possessions. This is the work of Holy Spirit He will teach you about these matters. it is not easy but it is rewarding if you apply a desire to want to be like Jesus and know the Creator as Father. The way it was originally supposed to be.
Are you ready to obtain your freedom and be the person Father God created you to be? The real you. Are you ready to seek your deliverance? Your soul to be surrendered to Holy Spirit and walk like Jesus with all provisions supplied. Do you really want this? It is available to you if you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior just confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Romans 10:9
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Levette Joy Silas