The Fat Burning Kitchen Book is the information I was looking for to help save my husbands life. He passed away in 2015 with a survivre digestive disorder that the medical profession including the neutrientionist could not diagnose correctly. It wasn’t just one condition it was many that added it to the disorder. In reading the material in this book it brings to light as to what is happening to our food intake.
Digestive Health

The book The Fat Buring Kitchen covers Digestive Health. I would have called it “Fix Your Digestion”. In some way, the title of the book is very misleading. In my husband’s case, I believe if we had the information in this book it would have saved his life. During the last 3 years of his life, my husband was unable to digest any solid food. Because of that Boost for Diabetics was the only nutrients he could tolerate. That’s what he had 3x a day for 1095 days Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The Fat Burning Kitchen book has answers that would have helped my husband and will help your digestive system.
Food of the Bible is not the same as Food of Today
What we need to realize is that the food of the Bible is not the same as the food we eat today. It is no longer pure with healthy soil. In the Bible, the soil had to rest and replenish after 7 years. Do we do that now? Then there are the chemicals and pesticides that are used. We have polluted air in some places. All these affect the quality of the food we eat today. After that, we have unhealthy chemicals that are created to maintain the food so it won’t spoil too soon and other ways food is preserved these days. Then there are combinations put together to make artificial foods and oils that cause harm to the body.
The many harmful ways our Food is being produced.
In this book, Fat Burning Kitchen the author tells about the many harmful ways our food is being produced and trans fats to turns into sugar from canola oil. Vegetable oils are unhealthy. He explains the value of Turmeric an agent spice used with black pepper that helps with digestion and healthy skin. There are too many important details that you need to know. Just get the book, you won’t regret it.
Boost Your Metabolism, Fix Your Digestion
Very often the solutions we need are right in front of us. It is the knowledge and understanding we are missing. If you didn’t learn how to prepare, cook and eat with better health in mind, it is never too late to start.