Dr. Lance Wallnau/Prediction that changed the World


Dr. Lance Wallnau’s prediction that changed the world was of Donald Trump’s Presidency. He was one of three evangelical leaders who accurately predicted Donald Trump’s Presidency. Lance’s book “God’s Chaos Candidate,” became a best seller and the viral exposer of the media helped influenced 3-5 million undecided evangelical voters.

The Prediction

His prediction that Trump would be like Cyrus in the Bible’s Old Testament verses- Isaiah 45:1-7.

The New York Times

After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel met with President Trump in the White House, The New York Times quoted Lance, “Could Trump be God’s Cyrus?” Netanyahu was there at the White House to thank President Trump for his decision for the historic Israeli embassy to be moved to Jerusalem. The date of the visit was March 5, 2018.

An Acquaintance thru Ministry

I have known of Lance for over 30 years now. I first met him at the church I use to attend, Upper Room Christian World Center in Dix Hills, NY, He was there with Kim Clemente his dear friend. The gift of God manifests through Lance with his unique way of teaching.

The Seven Mountain Mandate

Lance has become known through his presentation of The Seven Mountain Mandate. This is the principle of the people of God taking part in the world’s culture, bringing God’s truths unto salvation. The cultures(called mountains) are: 1) Church/Religion; 2)Government; 3)Education; 4)Family; 5)Media; 6)Arts/Entertainment;7)Business/Financial.

Dr. Wallnau the Strategist

Dr. Wallnau is a strategist and inspirational speaker focusing on the Seven Mountain principles. You will learn more if you clic He will display his ability as to how to communicate the principle of setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilize resources to execute the actions. He teaches how the ends will be achieved by the means. It is fascinating to attend any one of his meetings.

The Giftings in Operation

Dr. Wallnau has shared platforms with Ben Carson, Mike Pompeo, and best-selling authors Ken Blanchard and John Maxwell. He has conducted training for the United Nations and spoken at Harvard, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the London School of Theology.

Present Day

Director of The Lance Learning Group in Dallas, Texas, Lances’ students have been worldwide transformers in government, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and entertainers. His Learning group a strategic teaching consulting company comes with thirty years of experience background in consulting business and non-profits.

