Cooking Food with Wine is a new adventure for me. I am not a wine drinker, I don’t like to cook and the food that I eat is very selective. My life has changed. I’m in another new stage in life. My body has changed thru the process of maturing into a higher age group. It is very interesting because I feel like a brand new person with a whole lot of experiences under my belt since birth.
Cooking food with wine is a whole new experience for me and I’m really enjoying the new adventure. As you age your body will not tolerate the fast foods, certain cooking oils, and process foods that you once ate at an earlier time in life. I have learned this as I watched my body changed shapes from petite to women to overweight women to where I am now.
As a Youngster growing Up
As a youngster, I was tiny, petite first one in line because I was the shortest. I was very athletic, as a matter of fact, sports was my babysitter and my friend. I didn’t eat as well as I should but anything I ate I burned off with the involvement with sports. Soon married with a husband and two children I had to change some bad eating habits. I adjusted and became knowledgeable about cooking. I didn’t say I liked it but it was necessary in order for my family to be healthy. So that is how the cooking got involved in my life.
Health Issues during Aging Process
As time went on health issues began to set in during the aging process. With me the body changes of menopause and my husband with his digestive system. Believe me, it wasn’t because of my cooking its just some foods aren’t good for the individual digestive system and that begins to show up as you age. You begin to hear about cholesterol, high blood pressure, acid reflux disease, diabetes and so much more. You notice I didn’t mention cancer and another disease that could be caused by the food that you eat or how it is prepared.
Menopause and I
I personally went thru a terrible time during menopause and ended up with breast cancer. The surgeon who operated on me felt that the cancer I had was due to my intake of soy. I was trying a Chinese herb that contained a large amount of soy. To this day, I no longer eat soy. Also during this process, I was having digestive symptoms as well. Fried chicken would upset my stomach, Spaghetti would upset my stomach. It was crazy all these issues with my digestive system. I heard about a book called eat right for your blood type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo The book changed my life. I found out that certain foods were not good for my blood type and that is why I was experiencing these effects.
Negative Digestive Symptoms
Then my husband who had Lupus started getting other health issues in his digestive tract. We went to many seminars to get answers and one thing we found out about Lupus it that canola oil was a trigger food. so we stop using canola oil and keep track of other foods that would cause him to have negative symptoms. With the digestive issues, they became worse with age to the point that they could not heal his digestive system.
Research Begins
Now with all this taking place with my husband and my weight gain after being this tiny athletic person, it was very disturbing to me that I had to find answers. That is when I started to do research on food.
New Eating Plan
I learned about the Keto diet and it worked wonders for me in the beginning. I lost weight without even trying to use olive oil and avocado oil, healthy fats, stevia plant sugar, and no processed foods. Lots of green vegetables and certain fruits. Boy, you talking about becoming a cook. I had to because I stopped eating processed foods. After 9 nine months, diabetes went down, I lost weight without even trying, I have wonderful energy, my memory is back and now I like to cook. Oh, one more thing the triglycerides went down as well. My blood pressure is good. ,
The Wine Kicks in
And now the wine. I ask my Cardiologist about wine. He said a little wine is good for you as long as you drink it in moderation. I found that interesting because God doesn’t make mistakes and He is the one who put me in this “wine” business. So guess what happen? I joined the Wine Ambassador club so I could make an income but I had wine leftover. So I started cooking with it. Wow-what a difference in the taste of my food. It was a delight. Then one morning I heard put some wine in your coffee.
In the Bible
Now I had already done research on coffee and wine, so I put about a tablespoon and a half in my coffee every morning. The doctor said the wine was good for my heart and coffee is also good for you in moderation. Did you know that in the Bible verse 1 Timothy 5:23 is quoted (no longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.) So you see wine has other qualities besides enjoyment or relaxation. It has healing qualities as well.
This is a wonderful book to teach you about Digestive health and its foods.

While you are creating your Restaurant dishes or your Metabolic cooking, it’s time to think about the products from your organic garden. It’s not that hard to grow your organic garden to eat healthily and no pesticides food with wine.